6 Things You Didn’t Know about the Polaris Plus Teams (part two)

Neo Smart Economy



​​1. What’s the story behind your project name?

We have a slogan “Findtruman, Find yourself.” We believe human society is just a small part of the whole universe and it may be to some extent controlled by some mysterious power. This power can be some physical power already known by human beings or some kind of power that is out of our recognition. As in the movie Truman, we thought it important to find yourself and discover the world around you and build your own story and live a wonderful life, whether it is in the Metaverse or in real life. Therefore, we use the name Findtruman to show our idea that building stories for ourselves in the real world and in the Metaverse.

2. What’s your favorite movie and how does that influence you as a human being?

Of course, it is The Truman Show. It is a good movie that can give teenagers some basic philosophical ideas about the world and our beings in society. It also opens a door for discussion about the truth of the world and society. We may have seen a lot of movies in our lives, and most of them will be forgotten with age, but the Truman Show is one of those movies that can hardly be forgotten.

3. What drives you to the Crypto world and if you can travel back in time, what’s the one thing you would do?

I believe blockchain technology is one of the most important technologies in recent decades as it proposes a better methodology for the management of human society. One of the biggest problems for the development of human society is that we do not trust each other in human society. Blockchain technology proposes a better way; we no longer need to trust humans–we just need to trust the math. This will help make a better society with higher efficiency. If I could travel back in time, I would join the crypto world at the beginning.

4. If you have one superpower, what would it be and why?

If I have one superpower, I prefer a power to stop conflict. Conflict is one of the mechanisms in human society which does a lot of harm to most people. We are just travelers in this world. Keep calm and be peaceful.

5. What’s your ultimate goal to achieve?

The ultimate goal achieved in this project is to let creators and community members fulfill their own stories on this platform.

6. What’s the most amazing technology ever invented in human history?

I believe digital technologies like the internet, smartphones, and blockchains are the most amazing technologies invented in human history because they create more equality and more possibilities for ordinary people.


1. What’s the story behind your project name?

A few months ago, we were having a team meeting, brainstorming ideas for our future game and we wanted the game to be a fun multiplayer experience with cute and funny doges. We also wanted for our game to have some futuristic aspects. So we thought of a portal, then came the idea of a rift in time. So we made the conclusion that DogeRift sounded the best. The idea of Doges combined with a weird time and space warping rift was fun.

2. What’s your favorite movie and how does that influence you as a human being?

As someone coming from a war-torn country, it's “Saving Private Ryan”. This movie based on a real story just shows how gruesome and terrifying war will always be and how humans can turn into animals in a split second. I’m always thinking violence and conflict are never the answer but you can’t avoid it, sometimes there will be moments where it might happen to anyone, for example, school bullying and now with the current situation in the world, the most important thing is to be kind to each other, show honesty and respect, kindness and forgiveness towards people who need it the most. As a society, we need to act and the movie shows me that past mistakes repeat themselves and we need to learn from them so that we don’t end up like our ancestors.

3. What drives you to the Crypto world and if you can travel back in time, what’s the one thing you would do?

The excitement to invest and to see so many successes there are but also failures too. I just see crypto as the future for finances. If I could travel back in time I would have bought more Bitcoin haha.

4. If you have one superpower, what would it be and why?

To freeze time, to be honest, I would like to stop time to relax and play games for a bit, because nowadays like almost everyone I rarely have time to unwind:)

5. What’s your ultimate goal to achieve?

To be acknowledged by the gaming community and for DogeRift to become an amazing and fun experience for players. And hopefully, create with my team many more fun games.

6. What’s the most amazing technology ever invented in human history?

Definitely the internet :)

Gitter. network

1. What’s the story behind your project name?

When I think about a bot network the word “grid” comes to my mind, and gitter means grid in german.

2. What’s your favorite movie and how does that influence you as a human being?

The lord of the rings trilogy. However, I am not sure it influences me as a human being. Perhaps it contributed to my passion for the fantasy genre.

3. What drives you to the Crypto world and if you can travel back in time, what’s the one thing you would do?

I am here for the tech. I love to learn about applications built on and around the blockchain. If I could travel back in time, I would buy Bitcoin when I first discovered it.

4. If you have one superpower, what would it be and why?

I would love to travel around in space, superman-style. So I could visit and discover other planets/stars, which sounds pretty awesome.

5. What’s your ultimate goal to achieve?

Live a happy life without regrets.

6. What’s the most amazing technology ever invented in human history?

So many remarkable technologies were invented, but I will go with the computer since it is also responsible for other significant inventions like the internet or the blockchain.


1. What’s the story behind your project name?

The Feedio platform provides price feeds to Defi dapp smart contracts, so we wanted to make it very evident in the name so that there is a direct recall in terms of what we are doing via the platform. Additionally, it had to be short, and have a nice ring to it. We evaluated multiple options and Feedio really connected and finally made the cut.

2. What’s your favorite movie and how does that influence you as a human being?

One of my favorite movies that have left an impact on me is “Arrival”. Just the concept that how we think and write influences our perception of the world so radically was eye-opening.

3. What drives you to the Crypto world and if you can travel back in time, what’s the one thing you would do?

The key thing that drives me to the crypto world is the vision of creating an equitable world where the economy is free from greed and instead of serving the interests of a few, it works to serve the interests of all. This is the promise of the crypto world that has drawn me towards it. Can’t wait to see how the world gets changed via crypto and blockchain. If I could go back in time after experiencing the N3 platform, I would have filled up even bigger bags of NEO :)

4. If you have one superpower, what would it be and why?

If I were given a superpower, I would love to be able to time travel to the past. It would be really fascinating to be able to travel to different time periods and places to see how we evolved as people and communities. Would definitely utilize some of the learnings to improve the world for the future.

5. What’s your ultimate goal to achieve?

As would have been evident in the previous question, I am a person who is very much interested in the ancient history of various civilizations. There is no ultimate goal as such but would like to devote all my resources to research and uncover as many fascinating stories from the past as possible.

6. What’s the most amazing technology ever invented in human history?

I would have to say The Internet. It really has created a new infrastructure layer that was unimaginable before it and at the same time, it is forming the backbone of even newer infrastructure layers and advancements like Blockchain. The father of web2 and web3 and who knows what’s there to come in the future.


1. What’s the story behind your project name?

The Neo part is self-explanatory. Effisend is a play on the words “Efficient” and “Send” because we wanted a better and many times more efficient way of money transfer in our region.

2. What’s your favorite movie and how does that influence you as a human being?

I have too many that I like to mention just one. But I think a human being is influenced heavily by the mix of cultures all around him, and that includes movies. Naming one, I would take the first Avengers movie, not really because of the plot per se (it is very basic). But it is the result of several years of work and planning and it was considered an impossibility years before. I think that’s the main influence I took from that effort and also from some others from that industry, such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy as it was another one that people thought was impossible to make, but at last it got made, and both movie experiences were more than what was expected at the time they got released. And that is the main influence it has had on me, things that are too difficult or hard to make, if delivered with the proper care and quality will have great results in the end and form an everlasting legacy.

3. What drives you to the Crypto world and if you can travel back in time, what’s the one thing you would do?

If I could travel back in time probably mine or buy a bunch of Bitcoin when it was around one dollar, but of course, that is just a small part of what the crypto world offers. In my opinion, the most important part of crypto, and what drives my passion for this space, is self-autonomy and the possibility of a new economic system based on decentralization and technology. Crypto has the huge potential of becoming an incredibly important sector of the global economy. It adds a great deal of liquidity, too much productivity, auditability, and transparency, and in comparison to the centralized and controlled offerings that we have now, it is much faster and improved in comparison.

4. If you have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Wolverine-like cell regeneration, because thanks to this I would never have health problems. I could live centuries and see how humanity advances into the future. And with all that, have great fun creating businesses and helping people along all those years.

5. What’s your ultimate goal to achieve?

My goals change as new opportunities arise. But at this moment it is to create a competitive company in my region and eventually make it grow as much as it can. The Latin America region is practically new to these kinds of offerings and the ones we have are quite frankly very limited. We think that we can make use of that and be incredibly competitive in this market that is worth billions and growing.

All this with the finality to obtain a sufficient economic benefit to living the rest of my life and reinvest in newer projects.

6. What’s the most amazing technology ever invented in human history?

I have to preface this by saying that I had the opportunity to build MEMS, Solar panels, and Microprocessors in a Cleanroom during my University days so I am a little biased.

I think the most amazing technology ever invented is the transistor. It forever changed our landscape and what we thought was possible. It basically can be used as an amplifier and switch and those two properties detonated several revolutions as they became the basis of modern electronics. It is composed of semiconductor material, mostly Silicon (we might find some other base materials) and some Germanium (or other doping components), usually with at least three terminals (two is a Diode or Solar panel) for connection to an electronic circuit. Some transistors are packaged individually, but most are found embedded in several kinds of integrated circuits. Of course, the Mosfet is probably the most important kind.

It was built by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at AT&T’s Bell Labs under Physics Group leader William Shockley. They were jointly awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics.

The transistor’s low cost, flexibility, and reliability have made it a ubiquitous device. We practically went from electromechanical devices to Transistor-based Mechatronics circuits in all industries and appliances because of their cost and capacity for mass manufacturing. It transformed life and culture around the world, and now it allows us to participate in networks that increase the freedom of their constituents.

