Defina Finance Joins the Neo N3 Early Adoption Program

3 min readOct 6, 2021


Neo Global Development (NGD) has accepted a new, early-stage project from Defina Finance, a blockchain game that innovates at the intersection of decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFTs, as the fifth project to join the N3 Early Adoption Program.

The Early Adoption Program, which debuted in June of 2021, allocates $10 million to provide financial and other support to encourage enthusiastic, driven developers and project teams to build their technologies on the future-oriented, all-in-one Neo N3 platform.

Defina Finance is a blockchain-based role-playing game (RPG) featuring a play-to-earn system. Players can participate in DeFi yield farming and reap on-chain earnings while enjoying a fun and strategic game with Player Versus Environment (PVE) and Player Versus Player (PVP) modes.

The playable characters in the Defina Finance game are called heroes. These hero characters are represented by NFTs: Each hero is unique, with a particular combination of characteristics and capabilities. Players can buy or collect heroes through various NFT Mystery Boxes or through a secondary marketplace. Players can fight and enhance their heroes to learn skills in numerous game scenarios.

Defina also has its own utility and governance token, $FINA, that is used in the Defina ecosystem and beyond. Together, Defina’s game and tokens are intended to serve as a gateway to allow traditional gamers to familiarize themselves with DeFi and decentralized organizations (DAOs). Ultimately, Defina’s vision is to bring blockchain to millions of gamers, allowing them to explore a new form of gaming through blockchain technology.

Defina and Neo N3

Defina connected with NGD shortly after the groundbreaking launch of the Neo N3 blockchain. The Defina team was drawn to Neo as the blockchain with the most feature-complete platform for building decentralized applications. The team values how Neo enables their developers to digitize and automate the management of assets through smart contracts on N3. The team also chose Neo for its access to powerful native infrastructures such as decentralized storage, oracles, and domain name service. Defina believes that together, these capabilities provide a solid foundation upon which to build out Defina’s ambition to become a Game Finance (GameFi) giant.

Defina’s project is a new initiative that completed the last stage of its testing game in late August of this year. From here, Defina plans to release a set of Neo Defina NFT heroes. Starting with a limited supply of Defina hero NFTs, Defina will launch a Neo-exclusive script and invent more gaming modes on N3. Defina looks to optimize its gaming ecosystem across a range of blockchains, while bringing diversity to the Neo GameFi portfolio. The project will also later implement a system for staking rewards and governance.

As an early-stage GameFi project, Defina values the financial and other incubation support that NGD can provide, as well as the broader support of the extended Neo community. The Defina team views this as the right combination to help the young project achieve its ambitious goals. Through this partnership, Defina aims to build a great GameFi ecosystem.

NGD likewise sees Defina as well positioned to enhance the Neo ecosystem. Following the launch of the Neo N3 blockchain, NGD has prioritized growth of cutting-edge technologies such as DeFi and NFTs within the ecosystem. Thus, when evaluating new applicants to the N3 Early Adoption Program, NGD has paid special attention to application layer projects with strong, proven usage scenarios in these areas. Defina quickly stood out as a project that clearly meets these requirements.

“As a blockchain-based game that combines the areas of DeFi and NFT so well, the new Defina project is an excellent fit for the N3 Early Adoption Program. Defina’s characteristic play-to-earn experience, innovative game format, and inspiring vision of opening the blockchain experience to millions of players through GameFi align well with the Neo N3 mission to break the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds,” said John Wang, Head of Neo Eco-Growth. “We are confident that the new partnership with Defina will greatly accelerate the realization of our mission.”

Learn more

Defina official website:

Defina on Medium:

Follow Defina on Twitter: @DefinaFinance

Join the Defina community: Discord /Telegram

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NGD N3 Early Adoption Program:

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