Neo-CLI v 3.0.3 Release Announcement

Oct 9, 2021


Neo-CLI v3.0.3 was released on October 8, 2021. The corresponding TestNet will be set up on October 9, 2021. As a hotfix version, Neo-CLI v3.0.3 has fixed some known bugs and optimized the UE.

If this TestNet runs smoothly, NGD will organize the N3 MainNet upgrade at 08:00 a.m. GMT on October 14, 2021.

The comprehensive list of improvements and optimizations in this version:

  • Fix CheckWitness for WitnessScope.CustomGroups
  • Add Copyright and License declaration
  • Add ECC encrypt & decrypt in Neo
  • Add source in NEF file to show source link
  • Add highlights in CLI console system to improve user friendliness
  • Add 2 RPC API: getstate, findstates to get historical state

Please note: This TestNet update requires resynchronization from block 0 to ensure data correctness.

