Neo-CLI v3.3.0 T5 TestNet and MainNet Upgrade Notice

Jun 1, 2022


Neo-CLI v3.3. was released on June 1, 2022, and will be deployed to the TestNet on June 2, 2022. A list of improvements and optimizations in this version can be found below:

  • Put the plugin in a separate directory
  • Added new Opcode: MODMUL and MODPOW
  • Snapshot isolation
  • Adjusted System.Contract.CreateMultisigAccount, System.Runtime.GetNotifications, and System.Runtime.GetRandom
  • Made price more reasonable for System.Contract.CreateMultisigAccount, System.Runtime.GetNotifications and System.Runtime.GetRandom
  • Added candidate-related events to native contracts
  • Deserialization and storage key optimization
  • Fixed some known issues

Please note: Due to the price adjustment of SysCall in v3.3.0, this upgrade will be hard forked at the 210,000th block of the T5 testnet and the 1.73 millionth block of the MainNet. All data needs to be resynchronized, please upgrade immediately to avoid problems.

