Neo-CLI v3.4.0 T5 TestNet and MainNet Upgrade Notice

Aug 9, 2022


Neo-CLI v3.4.0 was released on Aug 9th, 2022. It will be deployed to the T5 TestNet on Aug 10th, 2022, and to the MainNet on Aug 24th, 2022. A list of improvements and optimizations in this version can be found below:

  • Added new method “HasMethod” to native contract: ContractManagement.
  • Moved Neo.Json from Neo into a separate project to decrease coupling.
  • Added name/symbol/decimals to GetNep17Balances in TokenTracker.
  • Fixed some known issues.

Please note: Neo-CLI v3.4.0 data needs to be resync since the native contract method and VM have been changed.

