Neo Global Development General Report: February-March 2023

6 min readMay 9, 2023


Neo Global Development (NGD) and the Neo community built on their momentum in early 2023 with new releases and partnerships; continued giveaways and cross-project collaborations; plans for large-scale blockchain industry events; and more.

Neo blockchain news

Neo makes available the most current and detailed news on upgrades and releases to the Neo blockchain here as part of the ongoing community developer update videos.

As selected highlights from the news on the blockchain in February and March, Neo:

  • Released NeoChat, a Neo-native, address-to-address instant chat application with end-to-end encryption. Along with the launch, Neo held a ChatGPT competition to highlight the ability to talk directly to ChatGPT through NeoChat without paying any fees.
  • Experienced and addressed a security breach that affected the N3 migration service.
  • Released preview versions of Neo WorkNet and Neo Shell, new tools primarily targeted for Neo smart contract developers.

Token, exchange, and wallet news

  • DEMEX Exchange launched its NEO Perps market (Perps, short for perpetual futures, are a type of derivative trading product that lets traders speculate on the future value of an asset without an expiration date) and hosted a trading challenge competition with GAS rewards.
  • Flamingo Finance launched the FUSD pool bonus program, aiming to bring the price of the stablecoin into parity with US $1.
  • GhostMarket added support for Forthewin Network’s native token, NEP, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade NFTs using the token. GhostMarket also announced its adoption of the Neo Royalty Standard for NEP-11 tokens.
  • GAS was added to Binance Convert, a fee-free conversion method to convert digital fiat currencies to crypto after deposit, and vice versa for withdrawal.

Community engagement

Neo continued to support the growth and prosperity of the Neo ecosystem through a range of online and in-person activities during this reporting period.

Online events

Neo hosted several online community events:

  • A Twitter Spaces event focused on AI-generated content, moderated by Neo News Today and featuring guests from GhostMarket, PinkPaper, FindTruman, Atem Network, and NGD.
  • A Twitter Spaces event featuring the head of NGD Enterprise, John deVadoss, to discuss artificial intelligence in blockchain.
  • A Twitter Spaces event featuring R3E Network, a new Neo community platform that leverages trusted execution environments and real-time oracles to create a secure, interactive blockchain ecosystem.
  • A Neo Live AMA with METAFORRA focused on the team’s GameFi and EdTech platform.

Neo leaders also joined other online events including:

Neo event sponsorships

Neo signed on for two large-scale event sponsorships. These sponsorships continue Neo’s post-pandemic trajectory of prioritizing face-to-face evangelization not only within the Neo community, but also across the broader blockchain industry. Sponsorships announced included:

Ecosystem news

Neo ecosystem happenings in February and March included new partnerships and launches, community outreach through online events and giveaways, and more. Selected highlights are covered here.

EcoBoost partnerships

Neo continued to foster growth of new projects in the Neo ecosystem, welcoming three new partners into the Neo EcoBoost program:

  • FindTruman, a crowd-sourced, whodunnit-style game.
  • METAFORRA, a GameFi ecosystem focused on mobile and cross-platform games.
  • Dogerift, a 3D Metaverse gaming platform.

Ecosystem project news


  • Launched the LifeSavers project enabling users to mint LIFE NFTs and held a blood drive in collaboration with Action On Blood and the Nigerian Medical Laboratory Science Students Association.


  • Was accepted into the Neo EcoBoost program, as noted above.
  • Released several patches that included a range of new features and improvements to the gaming experience.
  • Launched a new art competition.
  • Launched its newly rebranded website.


  • Joined the Neo EcoBoost program, as noted above, becoming the first new program member in 2023.
  • Partnered with Neo to conduct an AI-generated content story-cover competition.
  • Joined a Neo-hosted Twitter Spaces episode focused on AI-generated content, as noted above.

Flamingo Finance

  • Launched the FUSD pool bonus program, as noted above.
  • Held online community outreach sessions.
  • Announced as a sponsor for the upcoming Web3 Berlin conference to be held June 10–11.

Forthewin Network

  • Had support added by GhostMarket for NEP (the Forthewin Network native token), as noted above.
  • Launched a single-sided staking feature on its DeFi and NFT platform, NEP Keys, selling out the first batch of keys minutes after launch.


  • Was voted in as an active member of the Neo Blockchain Council.
  • Added support for Forthewin Network’s native token, NEP; announced plans to adopt an upcoming new Neo Royalty Standard for NEP-11 tokens.
  • Joined a Neo Twitter Spaces episode focused on AI-generated content, as noted above.
  • Held a Twitter Spaces event to discuss the recent addition of full indexing of supported chains to the marketplace.
  • Added a “sweep mode” function that allows users to buy in bulk the cheapest NFTs in a chosen collection in a single transaction.


  • Released a report summarizing the status of all projects that have received grants through the program, are ongoing, or have completed the objectives outlined in their proposals.
  • Executed approved proposals including “Remove old NSPCC key,” “New member key for NSPCC,” and “Accelerating the adoption of Neo economy with participatory governance.” New proposals continue to flow through the GrantShares grant request process and appear in the proposal portal.

Mega Oasis


  • Changed its native token ticker symbol from NUDES to TIPS as part of a rebrand.
  • Hosted an online community “fireplace” event.


  • Joined the EcoBoost program and took part in a Neo Live Telegram AMA, as noted above.

Mercurial Apps

  • Added Quirky Soul College to its all-in-one data aggregator for NFT projects and marketplaces in the Neo ecosystem.


Neo Compounder

  • Launched as a new dApp that pools various owners’ NEO and bNEO to claim GAS and convert it into increasing reserves of bNEO for the owners.

Neo News Today

  • Held a Valentine’s Day airdrop to Neo wallets who both held a ValeNNTine NFT and had voted for Neo News Today as a council member.
  • Released a video tutorial on using GasBot to create NEP-17 token giveaways on Discord.
  • Released new episodes of the Smart Economy Podcast.

Perlin Finance

  • Released its litepaper and opened sign ups for an airdrop.

Pink Paper

  • Joined a Neo Twitter Spaces session focused on AI-generated content, moderated by Neo News Today, as noted above.

Poly Network

  • Announced that NEO was among the most traded tokens on Poly Network in January 2023.

Quirky Soul College

  • Began minting its next wave of NFTs and rolled out website updates.
  • Held an airdrop for Wave 1 QSC NFT holders.
  • Was featured in a new video by Unlocking the Chain, as noted below.
  • Was added to Mercurial Apps data aggregator, as noted above.


  • Announced that it has secured approval to submit apps to the Apple App Store and will bring SOMNIUMWAVE’s VR/AR features to mobile devices.


  • Added a naming feature for its Fusion NFTs.
  • Enhanced its marketplace with activity statistics, bulk NFT transfers, fiat currency conversions, and support for TTM listings.

Unlocking the Chain


  • Released an article about its pilot work.

Web3 Italia

  • Published a progress report on its growth since receiving funding from GrantShares.

Neo core and developer communities news

NGD now publishes its community developer updates in video format. You can find the latest community developer updates on Neo’s Youtube channel.

