Polychain Monsters Joins the Neo N3 Early Adoption Program

4 min readNov 17, 2021


Neo Global Development (NGD) has selected Polychain Monsters, creator of a cross-blockchain game based on NFT collectibles, as the newest partner to join the growing ranks of the Neo N3 Early Adoption Program.

The Early Adoption Program is part of NGD’s $200 million investment to support growth and innovation in the Neo ecosystem. This program allocates $10 million to encourage development of and collaboration among promising projects on the all-in-one Neo N3 blockchain. Members accepted into this program receive grant funds, technical support, and other incubation opportunities structured to promote growth and success in the Neo ecosystem.

Polychain Monsters offers collectible, animated NFTs that users can find in digital booster packs purchased with $PMON tokens on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. Each booster pack includes three collectible NFTs known as Polymon monsters. The monsters in each pack have randomly selected sets of attributes that differ in rarity, resulting in some combinations of attributes that are especially scarce and desirable. The collection continues to expand via special edition drops through partnerships such as ChainLink, Elrond, and Polygon.

The collectible Polymon will play an integral part in multiple on-chain and off-chain games that are under development. Meantime, the Polymon already are traded on secondary marketplaces such as tofuNFT for, in some cases, upward of US $100,000.

In addition to being an NFT and gaming product, Polychain Monsters leverages familiar features from traditional decentralized finance (DeFi) projects: Players of the Polychain Monsters game can earn rewards by farming or by staking. Polychain Monsters has also pioneered a unique approach to NFT staking that allows collectors to earn weekly financial rewards through their Polymon collections based on the opening rates of the project’s booster packs.

Polychain Monsters and Neo N3

The Polychain Monsters team sees the new Neo partnership as a good match both for the project’s community goals and for its technology needs.

Polychain Monsters was the first NFT product to support multiple networks, according to Lennart Brandt, CMO and cofounder of Polychain Monsters. Working with Neo, a founding member of the interoperability protocol alliance, PolyNetwork, is a natural fit, as Neo makes cross-chain interaction as easy as native transactions.

“I’m more than excited to team up with a partner like Neo who shares similar beliefs to ours about cross- and multi-chain interoperability,” said Brandt. “We were immediately drawn to apply to the Early Adoption Program when we learned about Neo’s commitment to cross-chain interoperability. We’re both committed to exploring and pushing the boundaries of today’s blockchain technology.”

Brandt said that through this partnership, the Polychain Monsters team hopes to use their unique blend of DeFi, collect-to-earn, and play-to-earn capabilities to spark a new wave of business innovation in the Neo NFT and gaming ecosystem and further contribute to the growth of the smart economy.

Leif Leiser, Polychain Monsters CEO and cofounder, likewise sees a complementary partnership ahead. “Polychain Monsters aims to create a cross-chain, digital collectible and gaming ecosystem with mainstream appeal. Teaming up with Neo and leveraging the maturity of their sophisticated blockchain ecosystem will help us onboard the next 100,000 users to our Polyverse and make progress in bringing mainstream adoption to the NFT and play-to-earn community,” Leiser said. “In the Neo ecosystem, we can build an even stronger, more diverse, and international community — the basis for improving our products and progressing on mainstream adoption.”

Polychain Monsters CTO, Wolf Bauer-Oberlein, spoke to the benefits of working with the feature-rich Neo blockchain platform from a technology perspective as well. “From multi-language support to native decentralized storage solutions and oracles and an outstanding developer experience through the Neo Blockchain Toolkit for VS Code, Neo N3 just has everything we need,” he said.

The Neo NGD leadership team, for its part, sees great potential for Polychain Monsters to create a powerful, cross-chain digital collectible and gaming ecosystem on the Neo blockchain. “Neo has always placed great importance on the technical development and ecological application of cross-chain interoperability,” said John Wang, head of Neo Eco-Growth. “The Polychain Monsters team speaks to a future for crypto blockchains where multiple layer one solutions will co-exist based on their various strengths and weaknesses. That’s exactly why we value working with this team. Polychain Monsters brings the Neo ecosystem not only a unique collect-to-earn and play-to-earn system, but also endless possibilities that can be built out around DeFi, NFTs, and other areas. Neo welcomes the opportunity to comprehensively support the Polychain Monsters team as we work together to contribute to the future of the smart economy.”

Learn more

Polychain Monsters official website: http://polychainmonsters.com/

Polychain Monsters on Medium: http://medium.com/polychainmonsters

Polychain Monsters on Twitter: @polychainmon

Join the Polychain Monsters community: Discord/Telegram

Marketplace tofuNFT: http://tofunft.com/collection/polychain-monsters

Marketplace OpenSea: http://opensea.io/collection/polychainmonsters

Neo official website: https://neo.org

NGD N3 Early Adoption Program: https://neo.org/eco#earlyadoption

Follow Neo on Twitter: @Neo_Blockchain

Join the Neo community: Discord/Telegram

