Renowned Artist on Neo Tours New Collection in China

3 min readJul 27, 2022


Several months ago Neo announced a collaboration with Mega Oasis, a new NFT marketplace that aims to bring traditional arts into Neo’s NFT ecosystem. Mega Oasis kicked off its launching with renowned artist Zhenchen Liu’s Meta Panacea, a collection that originated from the artist’s Panacea collection. The Meta Panacea collection is inspired by the medicinal power of plants, herbs, and minerals. Mega Panacea is an exclusive collection with limited distribution: It is Liu’s only NFT collection, and it will be distributed only through Mega Oasis. Meta Panacea includes a total of 403 NFTs designed for the collection, which will be distributed across multiple series.

Zhenchen Liu is touring in major cities in China now, presenting his works from 苒·PANACEA from July 9th to August 28th. His first stop is the city of Shenyang, the capital of the Liaoning Province. The exhibition includes a total of 30 works on display, including paintings, mixed-material light boxes, and videos. The exhibition is co-hosted by the 1905 Art Space gallery and Neo and curated by art curator and critic, Du Xiyun. Mega Panacea has been digitized from the original Panacea collection with computer algorithms. This digitized collection is presented in the format of mixed-material lightbox to re-conceptualize the real world from the artificial world of art, demonstrating an art form that the Mega Oasis collection has described as being “both dialectic and transdisciplinary; dynamic yet incidental; constitutive yet minimal; exact yet elusory; and ultimately — poetic.”

As one of the sponsors of the art tour, Neo has taken another opportunity to demonstrate its vision in action of using blockchain technology to bolster other industries, including traditional arts.

“We want to give more people the opportunity to become aware of blockchain technology through offline events and meetups such as these,” said John Wang, Director of Neo Eco-Growth, who attended the opening ceremony of the art tour in Shenyang. “The concept of Mega Panacea also overlaps and resonates with Neo’s vision of creating the innovative and the exploratory. We look forward to working with Zhenchen to support the creation of more works in the future.”

About the artist

Born in 1976, Zhenchen Liu graduated from the National Institute of Contemporary Art in Nice, Villa Arson, France. Later, during his study and creation at Le Fresnoy National Contemporary Art Studio in France, he was guided by well-known directors such as Jean-Luc Godard, Chantal Akerman, André S. Labarthe, etc., and won the third stage of the art “post-diploma” with the highest honor of the jury (Très Honorable avec les Félicitations du jury). His works often focus on globalization and environmental issues through media such as video, installation, and painting. His works are permanently collected by national institutions such as the Centre Pompidou in France and the European Photography Museum.

About Neo

Neo is an open-source community-driven blockchain platform. It is the most feature-complete blockchain platform for building decentralized applications. Neo enables developers to digitize and automate the management of assets through smart contracts. It also provides powerful native infrastructures such as decentralized storage, oracles, and domain name service, creating a solid foundation for the Next-Gen Internet.

